
Organizational Strategy

Guarantee your success, no matter how unpredictable your environment.
Let's Talk
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What We Do

Future-Proof Your Business

Every organization needs innovative strategies in order to compete in the marketplace, maximize growth, and drive long-term value. However, the path to your success is challenging and filled with multi-faceted problems with your people, processes, and technology. At Thrivence, we help you address all of these complexities, truly uncover the issues you’re facing, and align your organization to meet the challenges ahead.
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Strategic Planning

Plan where your organization is, where you want to go, and how you want to get there.

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Strategy Implementation

Executing a strategic plan requires more than just a roadmap; it needs dedicated support and precise management.

org performance

Transformation Planning

From assessing change readiness to workforce training and risk management, we help you successfully manage continuous change at scale and speed.

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Revenue Growth

Maximize your revenue potential and achieve sustained financial success.

How We Drive Results

We understand complex organizations from the inside out because our consultants have walked in your shoes.

Experienced Consultants

Innovative Solutions

Actionable Insights

Diverse Expertise

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Our Services

Strategic Planning

Our Approach

With over 60 years of collective strategy experience, our team will leverage their executive business experience, bring practical strategy expertise to help you define your vision for the future, align your people, and implement strategies that will get you there.

How You Benefit

  • – Clear Direction and Focus
  • – Improved Resource Allocation
  • – Enhanced Decision-Making
  • – Increased Organizational Alignment
  • – Improved Performance and Accountability
  • – Better Risk Management
  • – Enhanced Communication


Read a Case Study

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Our Services

Strategy Implementation

Our Approach

Our Strategy Implementation service ensures that your meticulously crafted plans are transformed into actionable, tangible results. We provide comprehensive support throughout the execution phase, guiding your team with expert advisory services, targeted training sessions, and conflict mediation to maintain momentum and resolve challenges. By aligning your resources and efforts with your strategic goals, we ensure seamless implementation, enabling your organization to achieve its vision, drive significant improvements, and sustain long-term success.

How You Benefit

  • – Seamless Execution
  • – Enhanced Team Alignment
  • – Conflict Resolution
  • – Improved Accountability
  • – Resource Optimization
  • – Ongoing Support
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Our Services

Transformation Planning

Our Approach

Transformation is essential for staying competitive. Our transformation planning service focuses on identifying the key areas for change within your organization. We develop tailored strategies to drive these changes, ensuring your business adapts and thrives in the ever-evolving market landscape.

How You Benefit

  • – Enhanced Competitiveness
  • – Focused Change Initiatives
  • – Tailored Strategies
  • – Increased Agility
  • – Sustainable Growth
  • – Employee Engagement
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Our Services

Revenue Growth

Our Approach

Growing your revenue requires a deep understanding of market opportunities and internal capabilities. We work with you to identify growth opportunities, streamline operations, and enhance your market positioning. Our goal is to help you maximize your revenue potential and achieve sustained financial success.

How You Benefit

  • – Market Insights
  • – Opportunity Identification
  • – Operational Efficiency
  • – Enhanced Market Positioning
  • – Revenue Optimization
  • – Sustained Financial Success
  • – Expert Guidance

Industries We Serve

From healthcare to real estate, our team of specialists offer a blend of deep industry knowledge to help you run and scale effectively, no matter your industry.

Architecture, Engineering, & Construction

Private Equity

Higher Education

Public Sector


Real Estate & Development

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5 Critical AI Conversations for Leaders

  • Get Equipped
  • Learn How to Respond
  • Lead with Vision

We really needed some outside expertise around strategy and executive coaching. Thrivence has not only helped us develop a strategic plan but helped implement it every step of the way. The growth curve of Colliers is in much better hands with Thrivence as our partner.

Janet Miller Market Leader and CEO, Colliers Nashville

Thrivence has been invaluable in helping us see potential opportunities and threats, developing a strategic plan for our digital content, and connecting us with other resources as we look to build Tennessee’s newest theme park.

DeLisa Guerrier Co-Founder of Storyville Gardens & Managing Partner, Guerrier Development

Thrivence is our preferred partner for leadership development and coaching. Our teams love the Thrivence coaching experience, and because of it we have gained an accelerated path for developing leaders at Tend.

Ellen Hitt Senior Vice President of People, Tend
Janet Miller
DeLisa Guerrier
Ellen Hitt

Let's Talk

  • Schedule a complimentary consultation
  • Work with our team to craft a custom solution tailored to your business
  • Experience transformational results